Saturday, July 23, 2005

Turtle's Mating Dance

The mating dance of this species is very elaborated and interesting to observe.
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The male swims towards the female and starts caressing her face with his long front claws.

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He might also swim around her in circles. He might also strike her front shell lightly with his claws (this looks as if his front legs are trembling).

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If she is receptive, she will accept him, otherwise, a fight might start.

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The mating itself takes about 15 minutes.

If after 45 minutes, the female is not receptive to the male's dance, you should remove her from the tank and try again in about two days.

Source of Information:

We got a new turtle for a playmate for our male turtle and naturally we picked a female one. The moment we placed her in the new 80 gallon tank that we got, our Turtle started acting weird around her so I had to check the internet to know what is going on. The captions above are the information I was able to gather.

These pictures are taken on the day she arrived, July 12, 2005. We just call them now Turtle and Mrs.Turtle.

Currently we are preparing a small tank where she could possible lay her eggs.

These turtle specie is called the Red Ear Slider or RES.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

My Take of San Francisco

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Notre Dame Victoires Church

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View from Hyatt

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The beach

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Houses opposite beach
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Mason Street?

All photos taken on father's day 2005, my first ever visit to San Francisco.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Someone To Turn To

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Something happened yesterday. Something I have overestimated and bounced back to me. I can say I have done my best but this is where it will have to end. A friendship that could have gone a long long way can no longer be. It is just good to know when something like this happens to me there is always him I can turn to. Always.

Thank you

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Strange Sunflower Dream

I dreamed the other night that I was out in the field picking very beautiful and in full bloom sunflowers. Sunflower is my happy flower. I thought of that when I heard the song "I'm walking on sunshine".

In the morning, something sad happened so I took a walk to my favorite spot, the park across our apartment complex. This park is like my place of solitude when things are not good. I always find my way to this park when I don't have the answer to my questions and most of the times I find my answer there...

I looked for a bench to sit down where there is shade. Once I settled down in the bench I was very surprised because I saw a bunch of dead sunflowers in front of me. They were still standing erect just like in my dream but dried and dead. I felt a very odd feeling because I remembered my dream and in my dream they were blooming and now I am staring at them and they are all dead. Could this mean anything? Strange.

In that spot I also saw a squirrel climbing up the tree. The first time I saw a squirrel ever was on my wedding day. So squirrels have significant meanings to me.